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Day 097!

I promised the Dailylife Grandpop I would go back up this week to give him an MP3 player with a bunch of Glenn Miller on it.  The road around Salmon Lake was torn up.  At least there were lights and pilot cars!

The Dailylife Grandpop was in and out of the hospital this week.  He has a virus called Bells Palsy.  You lose the muscles in one side of your face.  It looks like a stroke but it isn’t.  He should be good in a week or two.  He said the carrots were cold, he didn’t care for the sandwiches (it sounds like most of the patients here didn’t either!), and he drank all of his hot chocolate!  And ordered more to the next meal.  We never did figure out what the tape was for.  He liked the music.  I told the aides they would have to run it for him, and the instruction manual was in the bag with the charger…

The Dailylife Stepmother was firmly ensconced in the assisted living apartment, and she seems to quite like it!  The Easter Bunny showed up minutes after I did.

My brother and sister-in-law were visiting too!

So it was just a day trip for me to drop off the MP3 player.  My nephews Tyra and Michael were also visiting today.  I failed to get a photo of them, but that bushy headed leaned out of that white pickup at an traffic light and waved at me.  It was Michael on his way home to Clancy.  I also somehow failed to get a photo of my stepbrother and his dog Waffles!  He was the Man With The Plan during this change in lifestyle!  Thanks, Doug!

Back through all the construction at Salmon Lake.

And it was just getting dark when I got back to Cascade County.  About 14 hours on the road and visiting.

~Curtis in /\/\onTana! {!-{>


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