I got hacked on Facebook yesterday. I walked right into it because their scam message came from Robyn, and it didn’t seem out of character for some of the help I have given her online. I figured it out 17 minutes later and it was too late. Nothing I do with FB gets me back on: the hacker changed everything. Then he tried to tell DD#1 that for $200 he’d give me account back. I’d take a dull machete to his balls for free!
Facebook has been completely unresponsive. Following their instructions leads to a page to end in ID, like a photo of my Drivers License. Then it ends. There is nowhere to go from there, and FB doesn’t reply.
I really miss Messenger a lot more than FB. It was very convenient.
Robyn is a lot more upset than me. I think she’d just use a piece of rebar.
~Curtis in /\/\onTana! {!-{<
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